Sunday, June 5, 2011

Candace Jean Fladager Graduates From Park High School

Candace jean Fladager graduated from Park High School this afternoon in Livingston, Montana. She graduated with honors and as a member of the National Honor Society.  Candace plans to attend Montana State University in Bozeman...studying to be a physicist.

Attending were:  Grandma Loy Ann Chvilicek (Havre), Tom and Gage Chvilicek (Helena), Lauri and Cade Chvilicek (Hingham), Steve. Annmarie, Dylan and Jessalyn Chvilicek (Havre), Robert, Annette, Athena and Charles Carson (Bozeman), Mother:  Suzann Chvilicek, Brother:  Casey Fladager...her Dad and many Fladager relatives.

Congratulations, Candace Jean!

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