Thursday, June 23, 2011

Charles Patrick Birthday Party - 1946

Here's how Darryl Patrick and I identified the people.  If you know differently, let us know so this can be corrected.

Picture identification of the picture 1946 – Grandpa Patrick’s Birthday in front of the house in Havre, Montana:   814 4th Avenue.

Back Row:  Aunt Ruth Meredith, Uncle Marvin (tucked in behind, Aunt Ruth Goldberg Patrick,  Aunt Gladys Smith, Uncle Clarence Patrick (tucked in behind) Aunt Beth Patrick, Grandma Sadie Patrick, Aunt Ruth Sharples Patrick, Uncle Cliff  Patrick.

Middle Row:  Uncle Cecil Patrick, Patricia Patrick, Uncle Don Patrick, Vernon Patrick (looking at Uncle Don), Dennis Patrick, Uncle Ralph Patrick,  Karen Smith.

Front Room:  Garry Patrick, Richard Smith, Buster Patrick, Shelby Patrick

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Madison Hammler Dance Recital

This blogger went to Billings this past weekend....for Madison Hammler's dance recital.  She dances at the Rimview Dance School in Billings.  She will be a first grader at Alkali Creek this fall...plans to enjoy a busy summer with her brothers Zach and Kaleb.  The recital was held at the Alberta Bair Theater.  A fun evening was had by all.

Madison is the daughter of Kristin and Bob Hammler.  Her grandparents are Laurie and Randy Koutnik.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Candace Jean Fladager Graduates From Park High School

Candace jean Fladager graduated from Park High School this afternoon in Livingston, Montana. She graduated with honors and as a member of the National Honor Society.  Candace plans to attend Montana State University in Bozeman...studying to be a physicist.

Attending were:  Grandma Loy Ann Chvilicek (Havre), Tom and Gage Chvilicek (Helena), Lauri and Cade Chvilicek (Hingham), Steve. Annmarie, Dylan and Jessalyn Chvilicek (Havre), Robert, Annette, Athena and Charles Carson (Bozeman), Mother:  Suzann Chvilicek, Brother:  Casey Fladager...her Dad and many Fladager relatives.

Congratulations, Candace Jean!

Gale News From Chippewa Falls

Carol Gale wrote. Carol is married to Larry Gale and they live in Chippewa Falls. Their youngest, James, is serving in the US Navy.  He is now stationed in Japan for the next three years.  Their oldest, Veronica is married to Brian Haag.  They live in Waukesha, Illinois.  They have one daughter Samara.  They are expecting their second any day now.

Their other son, Larry, is in Chippewa Falls...holding down the fort while "Grandpa" Larry is in Waukesha helping watch 2-year-old Samara, while she wait to become a "BIG Sister."

I hope we receive news of the new little one as soon as possible.