Sunday, March 6, 2011

Brian and Patty Patrick's News from their 2010 Christmas Letter

Cory is a senior at Townsend High School.  He played football and basketball during his senior year.  He was named to the 2010 All Conference Basketball Team.  He was also named Defense and Offense All Conference in Football as well as All State in Football.

Cory’s extracurricular activities didn’t end there.  He was in the Spring, Summer and Fall plays at the high school taking on parts of a minister, hospital orderly and a swashbuckling pirate.

He went to San Antonio, Texas with his Spanish club…had a wonderful time except for the jelly fish sting which needed first aid.  He spent his summer lifeguarding at the city pool and helping with the paper route.

Hannah is a Junior at Townsend High School.  She played on the varsity volleyball team.  She loves playing golf…spent her summer at the gym every day.  She also does yard care jobs and is known in Townsend as the” blonde Japanese Gardener.”

She is also on air at KDGZ, a local radio station.  She attended RYLA summer camp…stays busy with activities Aim Higher, Christian Athletes and is a new member on the Broadwater Foundation Board.

Tyler  is a 6th grader.  He ran for 6th grade rep on the school student council…is preparing for confirmation…played center and line on his small fry football team, the Badgers.  They had a great season and made it to the playoff round.  Last summer he enjoyed Carroll football and basketball camps as well as drama camp.  He excels at the trumpet.

Alaina is busy in her life of Mom, Wife and  Employee.  She and Mike are the parents of 4 year-old Parker.  Mike is on the road during the week.  He now has a contractor’s license so call him if you have a job that needs done.  (I wish these relatives lived closer…between a gardener and a contractor…I could keep them busy.)

Patty has given up the paper route…keeps in touch with everyone on Facebook…subs at the school. 

Brian spends his workday in meetings…so he took up running to relieve stress.  He meetings have taken him to Phoenix…Washington, D. C.  where he received a special tour of the Pentagon.  He walked from Arlington to the Capitol Dome and saw sites along the way.

Of course, the big thrill at the Patrick household was Brian’s beloved San Francisco Giants winning the 2010 World Series.

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