Saturday, February 12, 2011

Loy's 70th Birthday Party

It was held at the community room in the Havre Holiday Village Mall on Saturday, January 22, 2011.

The room was decorated in pink and black with the 50s theme…poodle skirts and 45 records.  84 people gathered to celebrate.  Was she ever surprised when she saw the Kannbergs…then her sister Kathy and husband Tom…but when she saw brother Darryl and wife Bonnie from San Antonio, Texas…she really started to cry.

Now we know that she has a strong heart because she made it through the shock of all that…plus we know she has good lungs because she blew out all the candles on this lovely cake…all decorated in the 50s theme.

In true Patrick fashion a DVD picture show was playing…and each of us got up and told a story.  I love all the oral history. Her grandchildren made this great “Happy Birthday, Loy!” banner…all the guests signed it.  What a great afternoon.  Her six children were there…and all of her grandchildren were there.

After the party… the relatives gathered at Steve and Annmarie’s house for dinner…and some pinochle playing…what fun…I didn’t leave until after midnight.  Now that is a stretch for me.

It was nice to gather with family and celebrate a happy occasion!  I hope we have more gatherings like that.

Family Attending:
Bonnie and Darryl Patrick – Canyon Lake, Texas
Kathy Patrick and Tom  McBride – Helena, Montana
Robert, Annette, Athena and Charles Carson – Bozeman, Montana
Charlie, Lauri, Alex and Cade Chvilicek – Hingham, Montana
Tom and Gage Chvilicek – Helena, Montana
Jerome, Caroline, Tanner and Abby Chvilicek – Billings, Montana
Steve, AnneMarie, Dylan and Jessalyn Chvilicek – Havre, Montana
Suzann Chvilicek,  Candace and Casey Fladager – Livingston, Montana
Sadie Patrick, Perry, Hunter and James Dustin – Missoula, Montana
Craig and Linda Patrick – Hingham, Montana
Tom and Carolyn Patrick – Havre, Montana
Lynda Patrick-Hayes – Havre, Montana

                                                                Loy Ann Patrick

Born:  January 20, 1941 at Jordan, Montana
Parents:  Lloyd and Wilhemina (Warhank) Patrick

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