Friday, May 20, 2011

Spring Sports in the Family

Saturday, May 14th Loy Ann and I drove to Great Falls.  We went to watch Tanner Chvilicek play baseball.  He plays for Billings.  They were in town to play against Great Falls.  It was good to see Caroline, Jerome, Abby and Tanner.  We also spectated with Caroline's Mom, Dad and Sister.

The ever strong Great Falls wind drove us to the car...and we took that to right center field.

Tanner pitched the last two innings of the first game.  He looked good.  He held Great Falls who already had a huge lead and was threatening to end the game because of a ten point lead.  That didn't happen with Tanner on the mound.

In the second game he played right field...looked good.  My favorite Tanner action of the weekend was his gorgeous steal of second base.  He went on to score.

The next time at bat he was hit in the head and given first base.  He attempted to steal second but was thrown out...and had to come out of the game because of the head injury.  Billings at that point had a lead but lost it and the game.  Darn!

Fun day!

While watching the game I was on the cell phone to my grandson, Judson.  He was in Chicago playing  Mite Triple A Hockey.  It was exciting.  He registered his first Triple A assist in the first game when Phoenix defeated Chicago...St. Louis beat Phoenix...second Chicago team beat Phoenix...then Phoenix defeated Madison, Wisconsin in the final game.  Not bad...they came out of the tournament 2-2.

Joshua took Judson site seeing in Chicago on Saturday between games.  They were going up to the top of the John Hancock Building but the day turned out to be foggy so "no sense in doing that when you can't see anything" my grandson explained to me.